湖北省地处中原腹地,素称“九省通衢”。这里山高、地险、平原广,8条国道和4条高速公路贯穿全境,全省通车里程达67039公里。这里交通事故多发,曾是全国有名的事故大省。然而近两年来,湖北省万车死亡率奇迹般的直线下降。2001年,全省道路交通事故死亡人数比2000年减少768人,比1999年减少1167人;机动车万车死亡率比2000年减少6.63个万分点,比1999年减少12 .18个万分点,且无一次死亡10人以上的特大交通事故发生。
Hubei Province is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, known as the “thoroughfare of nine provinces.” Here high mountains and land, wide plains, eight State Road and four highways runs through the whole territory, the province’s traffic mileage of 67039 kilometers. There are many traffic accidents here, once the province of famous national accident. However, in the past two years, the death toll of 10,000 vehicles in Hubei Province has been decreasing miraculously. In 2001, the number of road traffic fatalities in the province decreased by 768 from 2000 and by 1167 fewer than in 1999. The death toll in motor vehicles dropped by 6.63 percentage points from 2000, a decrease of 12 over 1999. 18 extremely vulnerable, and no one killed more than 10 serious traffic accidents.