前言 双辊铸造法被看作是直接从熔融态铸成薄带的可行工艺之一,它具有近净尺寸和快速凝固的优点。在双辊、单辊、金属溢流等薄带铸造过程中,为了得到表面和内部质量更好的铸带,准确地控制薄带的厚度通常是很重要的。因此,薄带的实用生产要求更准确和严格地控制铸造工艺。 为了揭示工艺参数对薄带厚度影响的规律,本研究用一台实验室规模的双辊铸机进行了铸造快速凝固薄带的实验。根据实验数据和理论分析,对影响薄带厚度的工艺参数及凝固现象进行了研究。
Introduction Twin roll casting is considered as one of the viable techniques for casting thin strips directly from the molten state with the advantage of near net size and rapid solidification. In thin-strip casting processes such as twin rolls, single rolls, metal spills, and the like, it is often important to accurately control the thickness of the ribbon in order to obtain a better-quality cast strip on the surface and interior. Therefore, the practical production of thin strips requires a more accurate and rigorous control of the casting process. In order to reveal the rule of the influence of the process parameters on the strip thickness, a laboratory-scale twin-roll caster was used to cast the rapid solidified strip. According to the experimental data and theoretical analysis, the influence of thin strip thickness process parameters and solidification phenomenon were studied.