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内地开放指数沪京粤排前三。发改委首次公布内地31省份“对外开放指数”。在今年博鳌亚洲论坛召开前夕,国家发改委国际合作中心昨日在博鳌发布《中国区域对外开放指数研究报告》,首次公布了中国大陆地区31个省(直辖市、自治区)对外开放度的得分和排名。根据报告,上海、北京、广东位居排行榜首位,而贵州、青海和西藏则排名垫底。根据排名显示,上海的开放度最高,为84.7分;北京屈居第二,为68.1分,广东紧 Mainland open index Shanghai and Beijing ranked the top three. NDRC First Announces 31 Provinces in the Mainland “Index for Opening to the Outside World ”. On the eve of the Bo’ao Asia Forum this year, the National Development and Reform Commission’s International Cooperation Center released the Research Report on China’s Regional Open-up Index in Boao yesterday, unveiling the scores and rankings of opening to the outside world in 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in mainland China for the first time. According to the report, Shanghai, Beijing and Guangdong ranked first in the list, while Guizhou, Qinghai and Tibet ranked the bottom. According to the rankings, Shanghai has the highest degree of openness of 84.7 points, Beijing ranks second with 68.1 points, Guangdong tight