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各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府:为了加强道路运输危险化学品安全管理,预防道路运输危险化学品事故,全国道路交通安全工作部际联席会议决定,自2005年5月10日至9月30日在全国开展道路运输危险化学品安全专项整治工作。现将《道路运输危险化学品安全专项整治方案》印发给你们,请结全本地实际,认真贯彻实施。为了加强道路运输危险化学品安全管理,预防道路运输危险化学品事故,全国道路交通安全工作部际联席会议决定,自2005年5月10日至9月30日在全国开展道路运输危险化学品安全专项整治工作。一、指导思想以“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,以《安全生产法》、《道路交通安全法》和《道路运输条例》、《危险化学品安全管理条例》、《民用爆炸物品管理条例》等有关法律法规和标准为依据,以剧毒、爆炸等危险化学品运输安全为重点,依法管理,集中整治,综合治理,标本兼冶,务求实效。二、总体目标 通过专项整治,集中解决道路运输剧毒、爆炸等危险化学品安全管理中存在的突出问题,遏制道路运输危险化学品交通事故,最大限度减少发生交通事故后因危险化学品造成的人员伤亡事故。进一步完善危险化学品道路运输企业、车辆和从业人员的管理制度,提高从业人员安全意识和防护自救能力,完善道路运输危险化学品交? People’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government: In order to strengthen the safety management of road transport of dangerous chemicals and prevent accidental transport of hazardous chemicals by road, the inter-ministerial joint meeting of the National Road Traffic Safety Administration decided that from May 10 to September 30, 2005 National road transport of dangerous chemicals to carry out special rectification work. At this moment, the Special Remediation Program for the Safety of Road Transport Hazardous Chemicals is being issued to you. Please complete the local actual situation and implement it earnestly. In order to strengthen the safety management of road transport of dangerous chemicals and prevent accidental transport of hazardous chemicals by road, the Inter-ministerial Joint Meeting of China’s National Road Traffic Safety Administration decided to carry out road transport of dangerous chemicals throughout the country from May 10 to September 30, 2005 Special rectification work. I. Guiding Ideology Guided by the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ and the scientific concept of development, taking the principles of Safety Production Law, Road Traffic Safety Law and Regulations for Road Transportation, Regulations for Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, Explosives Management Ordinance "and other relevant laws and regulations and standards as the basis, with highly toxic, explosive and other dangerous chemicals transport safety as the focus, according to the law management, focus on remediation, comprehensive management, specimens and the rule of law, seek practical results. Second, the overall goal Through special rectification, focus on solving the outstanding problems in the safe management of dangerous chemicals such as road transport poisonous and explosive, stop the road transport of dangerous chemicals in traffic accidents, minimize the traffic accidents due to dangerous chemicals Casualties. Further improve the management system of road transport enterprises, vehicles and employees of dangerous chemicals, improve safety awareness of employees and self-help protection, and improve road transport of dangerous chemicals?
随着改革开放、城市化的进一步推进,我国促成了史无前例的人口流动和人口迁移。数据显示,平均每六个人中,就有一个是流动人口,且年轻人正逐渐成为流动人口的主力。  虽然流