黑龙江省平山林业制药厂,哈尔滨,150324) 摘要 报道了3种新杀虫烟剂主剂的筛选研究情况。室内配制和林间施放证明、敌敌畏烟剂和氯氰菊酯烟剂启动速度快、燃烧时间大于7min、燃烧温度高于400℃.烟量较浓、燃烧残留物灰白,50~60℃热贮10h无自燃现象、10m抛高降落后无破损。敌敌畏烟剂野外防治效果为95.85%。西维因烟剂防治效果为31.51%,氯氰菊酯烟剂防治效果为97.68%。敌敌畏烟剂和氯氰菊酯烟剂的烟雾在林间弥留时间为60min,西维因烟剂为40min。
Heilongjiang Pingshan Forestry Pharmaceutical Factory, Harbin, 150324) Abstract The screening of three new pesticides for insecticides and tobacco was reported. Indoor preparation and forest application proved that dichlorvos and cypermethrin started fast, the burning time was more than 7min and the burning temperature was higher than 400 ℃. Thicker smoke, gray combustion residue, 50 ~ 60 ℃ heat storage 10h without spontaneous combustion phenomenon, 10m high landing without damage. The control effect of dichlorvos on the field was 95.85%. The effect of XIV on tobacco was 31.51%, and that of cypermethrin was 97.68%. Dichlorvos and cypermethrin aerosols smoke in the forest dwell time of 60min, West Vinyl smoke for 40min.