我们之所以认为“三个代表”思想具有崭新的时代意义 ,是因为这一思想在理论内涵上是从功能角度对党的性质、宗旨和根本任务进行新的概括的 ,是用“代表性”反映和提升“本体性”的 ;在阶级内涵上通过对阶级的分析、制度和体制的比较 ,得出结论 :在当代 ,中国共产党仍然是真正的“三个代表” ;在思想内涵上 ,这一思想反映出它与马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论是一脉相承的 ,同时它又根据时代的发展变化 ,在不断吸取新的实践经验的基础上 ,大胆进行理论创新 ,开辟了马克思主义的新领域。
The reason why we think that the thinking of the ’Three Represents’ has a brand new epoch-making significance is that this ideological connotation is a new summary of the nature, purpose and fundamental tasks of the party from a functional point of view. It uses the concept of “representativeness” Reflect and promote the “noumenon”; through the comparison of class analysis, system and system in the connotation of class, we come to the conclusion that in the contemporary era, the Chinese Communist Party is still the true “Three Represents”; in terms of ideological connotation, One thought reflects that it has the same strain as Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory. At the same time, it boldly conducts theoretical innovation and opens up new fields of Marxism based on the development and changes of the times and on the basis of constantly drawing new practical experiences .