鳜鱼肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,是淡水鱼中之珍品。1991年,金湖县淮胜水产养殖场在64.1亩成鱼池中进行了套养鳜鱼试验,平均亩产达到686.6kg,其中鳜鱼4.6kg,亩均纯利润880元,其中鳜鱼利润119.6元,比对照塘提高36.6%。试验表明,成鱼塘适度套养鳜鱼,经济效益明显,技术可行。成鱼池套养鳜鱼应注意掌握以下几点: 1.套养鳜鱼的成鱼池,养殖品种应以草、鲂鱼为主,不能在以鲢、鳙鱼为主的肥水鱼池中套养。否则,由于鳜鱼耐低氧能力差,一旦鱼池缺氧,鳜鱼会首先死亡。
Catfish tender meat, delicious, freshwater fish in the treasures. In 1991, Huai Sheng aquaculture farm in Jinhu County conducted a trial of raising tilapia in 64.1 mu of adult fish ponds, with an average yield of 686.6 kg per mu, of which 4.6 kg for mandarin fish. The net profit per mu was 880 yuan, of which the profit of tuna was 119.6 Yuan, 36.6% more than the control pond. Experiments show that fishpond into a proper set raising catfish, economic benefits obvious, technically feasible. Into the fish ponds raise catfish should pay attention to the following points: 1. Raise the adult fish ponds, aquaculture species should be grass, anchovy-based, can not be in the silver carp, bighead carp fish ponds nursed back to health. Otherwise, due to poor hypoxia tolerance, if fish ponds lack oxygen, catfish will die first.