张家界市一中是湖南省重点中学,该校师资力量雄厚,办学条件优良。“边城”文学社是 该校创办的一个颇有名气的文学社团组织。多年来,遵循着“服务语文教学,丰富校园文化 ,陶冶社员情操,提高语文素质”的宗旨,“边城”文学社通过师生的辛勤耕耘,已收获了 累累硕果,到目前为止,共吸收社员1000余名,编印社刊50多期,在省级以上报刊发表作品 200多篇,在省级以上竞赛中获奖200余人次,其中石英等10余位社员的作品曾结集出版。本 栏刊发的这几篇散文习作,虽然还显得有些青涩和稚嫩,但我们却真切地感受到了孩子们心灵 的纯正和流诸笔端的可贵的文学激情与灵性……
One in Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province is a key middle school, the school teachers is strong, excellent school conditions. “Border Town” Literary Society is a famous literary society founded by the school. Over the years, following the principle of “serving Chinese teaching, enriching the campus culture, cultivating the sentiments of members and improving the quality of Chinese”, the “Biancheng” literary society has harvested a great deal of fruits through the hard work of teachers and students. Up to now, More than 1,000 of them were edited and printed in more than 50 editions. More than 200 articles were published in newspapers and periodicals above the provincial level. More than 200 prizes were awarded in contests at or above provincial level. Among them, more than 10 members such as Quartz have published their works. The essays we published in this column, though still a bit young and innocent, really felt the precious literary passion and spirituality of the children’s hearts.