瞧这位驾驶着摩托车的小伙子! 他是即将驰骋于赛车场的运动员,还是整装待发的战士? 他不是运动员,但他经常象运动员一样追风曳电,与时间赛跑; 他不是战士,但经常象士兵一样不畏艰险,猛打猛冲! 他是焦作人民广播电台跑政法的记者焦雨生。 1984年,他写的配乐通讯《勇于创业的人》获全省广播系统一等奖,1985年,他写的《山村教师赵建设喜结良缘》获全省好新闻二等奖.他还先后出席了河南省广播电视厅和河南日报社召开的模范通讯员表彰会。可他对自己的成绩不满意,目光一直盯着明天。一、选择与追求焦雨生是1980年初从部队退伍回来的战士。正巧市郊广播站缺人,“退伍办”的同
Look at this young man driving a motorbike! Is he an athlete to be racing on the circuit or a ready soldier? He is not an athlete, but he often runs like an athlete and runs against time; he is not a warrior, but often Like a soldier, hesitated and stormed! He is the reporter of Jiaozuo People’s Radio running politics and law Jiao Yusheng. In 1984, he wrote the soundtrack communication “daring pioneer” won the first prize of the province’s broadcasting system, in 1985, he wrote “mountain village teacher Zhao construction knot marriage” by the province good news prize two.He also successively Attended the Henan Provincial Radio and Television Office and Henan Daily Press held a model correspondent commendation. But he was not satisfied with his performance, his eyes have been staring at tomorrow. First, the choice and the pursuit of Jiao Yu Sheng was returned from the army in early 1980 soldiers. Coincidentally, radio stations outside the suburbs, “leaving the office,” the same