Reflection on Some Modern Chinese Cultural Characteristics Based on Cyber Catchwords

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  1. Introduction
  In the times full of infinite possibilities, our life can't avert the influence of Internet. Each of the Cyber catchwords relates closely to people's life. The seemingly inexplicable cyber catchwords are the best record of your life and the most truthful reflection of real society. Understanding cyber catchwords is a shortcut to find out what's happening and what the culture is heading for in China.
  1.1. Definition of culture
  As American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language explains, culture is the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Culture is a kind of social phenomenon and the production in the long process of creation. It is also a historical phenomenon and the deposit in the human history. To be exact, culture is a nation's or people's history, geography, social customs, human relationships, way of life, literature, art, formula of behavior, way of thinking, values, etc. Culture can't be replaced by anything in society.
  1.2. Definition of cyberculture
  Cyberculture is the culture that has emerged, or is emerging, from the use of computer networks for communication, entertainment and business. It is also the study of various social phenomena associated with the Internet and other new forms of network communication, such as online communities, online multi-player gaming, and email usage. Cyberculture can also be named information culture. Cyberculture's formation and development which are the inevitable outcome that human society consistently pursues self's culture embody the increasing fruition of cyber media.Cyber information is unique and abundant, so people tend to collect it with personal affection. However, cyber catchwords reflecting different aspect of life offer us an extraordinary opportunity to understand and catch the trend of popular expressions.
  2. With the development of Internet, netizens are showing and spreading their talents to create some catchwords. In the meantime they are also collecting popular expressions through various ways and developing them into kind of cyberculture. To partly understand the essence of the expressions recognized by a wide range of Internet users, some popular representatives are picked.
  2.1. Humor can be anywhere with the spirits of Entertainment.
  "Money is not a problem." comes from a comedy acted by Zhao Benshan, Xiaoshenyang, etc. at Spring Festival Gala. Xiao Shenyang as an errenzhuan (a type of duet opera popular in Northeast China) actor becomes well-known and some lines in the comedy get prevalent. Zhao Benshan's comedies never lack classical lines. With Xiao Shenyang's assist, the lines in this comedy become more vivid than ever before. After the spring festival, consumers and waiters frequently use "There's really no this dish." "There can be this." "Money is not a problem." Obviously, people like the way of humor and want to express themselves in a humorous way.
  2.2. Loneliness is nibbling netizens due to the use of Internet and lack of face-to-face communications.
  " What brother is smoking is not a cigarette, but loneliness!" comes from a picture of a man of non-mainstream eating noodles with the caption, "What brother is eating is not noodles but loneliness." published in a BBS. Since then, netizens began to imitate this sentence structure, and then we can find similar expressions in almost every major BBS as well as local BBS. Loneliness even becomes many people's cyber name, as if anything could be converted into loneliness. It shows that people's heart needs solace. Loneliness is kind of pandemic. People are seeking the medicine to eradicate it.
  2.3. PC games attract too many young people and make many of them live an empty life.
  "Jia Junpeng, your mother wants you to go home to have some food." comes froma post titled like that without any content in it in a game BBS. Jia Junpeng is only a fictitious person. Within only several hours,390671 netizens browsed it and there were 17,000 replies, and it attracted 7,100,000 clicks and 300,000 replies in the following day. This expression also sets an example of greeting online, and appealed to people from all walks of life and media to make deep analyses as well.
  2.4. Optimism exists in the heart of all people no matter what they meet and how difficult it is.
  "Life is like a tea table, with bitter cups placed all over it." comes from Yi Zhongtian's word "tragedy" at CCTV's Lecture Room. "cups" has the similar pronunciation with "tragedy" in Chinese. Netizens began to use it as their cyber names. Actually, this sentence structure comes from Zhang Ailing's writing, "Life is like a beautiful gown, with lice crawling all over it." Netizens also created several similar expressions with assonance. When people have no choice but to stand, they can show their feeling optimistically in a way of self-mockery with Chinese characters "cups" in stead of "tragedy".
  2.5. Confidence originates from people's attitudes towards life.
  "Don't be obsessed with brother. He is only a legend." comes from a spoof post "Don't be obsessed with brother." It's obviously narcissism, but it enlivens our life. This expression even appears in a song by Xi Shenyang.
  2.6. High housing price has incurred many social problems and to exchange sex for housing seems shameless but evokes sympathy.
  "My debts of gratitude have been repaid with my body!" comes from a teleplay named "Dwelling Narrowness" which tells a story about how white collars hanker for an apartment and how they live though all the troubles as mortgage slaves. This teleplay probes into some social topics, and its lines are in, humorous, witty and close to life. Unfortunately it vanished from the view on account of some reasons.
  2.7. People are learning to take it easy and treat seriousness with their banter.
  "What makes you unhappy? Tell us to make us happy." comes from a saying, "To live is bitter, and to be happy is hard. Therefore, lighten up. What makes you unhappy? Tell us to make us happy." You may have got the sack, but someone else may have lost his love; you may have failed in your business, but someone else may have failed to commit suicide. God can't grant all man's wishes, otherwise there would be no man left for wishes. Man can forget the misery and relieve others' pains temporarily by teasing them.
  2.8. Keeping in fashion doesn't only mean following the latest fad, but also mean using the latest words.
   "You are out." begins to be a popular expression just like "in" did years ago. Some new terms like "micro-blog" come forth continually. If a person doesn't know them, he'll be behind the times. Numerous youths following the latest fad use this byword just for showing that they are "in" or despising those behind the times. However some others do feel bad about the use of this word owing to the contempt implied in it.
  2.9. Material comforts were not and will never be the only pursuit of people.
  "Lei Feng does good without seeking recognition, but he records everything in his diary." comes from a post, too. Lei Feng was a celebrity propagandized by the government and the media for his commitment and sacrifice for the construction of China. Chairman Mao called on people learning from Lei Feng because he set a good example for society. Since then "Lei Feng's Spirit" was widely known. The post "Why does Lei Feng do good without seeking recognition, but record everything in his diary?" makes Lei Feng popular again. Answers to this question are quite fantastic and some are even sidesplitting. In such a materialized society, mentioning him is just a call for people to seek some kind of spiritual consolation.
  2.10. Injustice and darkness make people angry and they turn to Internet to express their fury in a special way.
  "It cannot be explained in detail." is an official's reply to the reporter when being interviewed in a TV program. Details and truth needed should have been publicized according to the policy——to make government affairs public. Nevertheless there's still a long way to go for the goal of making government affairs public. Everybody learning the news knows what's behind the talk. Unfortunately, people just can do nothing. Therefore ordinary people have no choice but to play jokes on it and make fun of it. This sentence was even translated into different foreign languages and used as a way to reply online.
  3. Conclusion
  Internet offers people a great opportunity to obtain information and express their opinions. Therefore people tend to understand what's happening comprehensively. People's thoughts are influenced not only by the traditional culture but also by the cyberculture. Cyberculture is a real and vivid reflection of people's thoughts.
  [2]Manovich,Lev."New Media From Borges to HTML."The New Media Reader.Ed.Noah Wardrip-Fruin&Nick Montfort.Cambridge,Massachusetts,2003:13-25.
教育部2007年颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》对我国大学英语教学提出的目标是:培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。这就要求英语教师不但向学生传授语言知识,培养学生的语言技能,还要加强课堂文化教学策略研究,注意向学生传授英语文化,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。  一、大学英语教学中文化教育的
通过在部队调研了解到,在落实贯彻《军标》中,不符合体型标准的士兵达10%,干部达20%,机关干部尤为突出。在不符合体型标准的官兵中98%体重超重,1%体重偏轻。体重超重主要是因为身体脂肪过多造成的,也就是通常所说的"肥胖"。肥胖不但影响良好的军人形象,影响官兵的军事训练,制约战斗力生成,而且对官兵的身体健康造成一定的威胁。  一、官兵减体重的误区  (一)长时间节食  有的官兵为了使体重下降,长期
语言是文化的重要表达形式之一。美国著名语言学家萨丕尔(Edward Sapir)在谈到这两者的关系时指出:"语言不能脱离文化而存在,不能脱离社会继承下来的各种做法和信念。这种做法和信念的总体决定了我们生活的性质。"他还指出:"文化可以理解為社会所做的和所想的,而语言则是思想的具体表达方式。"应该说语言不仅是文化的表现形式,而且它本身就是一种文化现象。因为语言是一个民族历代智慧的积累,是文化的结晶体
根据Skehan"人们可能正在研究不同的学习者为了学习必须开口说话的意愿,这种非认知个体差异(变量)对大多数研究者来说可能比较难以理解"。 Maclntyre,Baker和Clement等认为Skehan和其他人所找的变量就是第二语言交际意愿。Maclntyre是从母语交际意愿构建转到二语研究的主要代表人物,他把第二语言交际意愿概念化为包括状态和特性的情境构想并提出了多层的金字塔模型(如下图所示)
一、引言  去年冬天至今,中国刮起了一股强大的"山寨风"。"山寨"成为最流行的网络新词,谷歌关于"山寨"的检索结果数量超过了3000万条,红火的"山寨"现象吸引着众多海内外媒体的眼球。  语言是文化的载体,通过研究社会上新产生的流行语,我们可以进一步考察其中所负载的社会思想观念和社会文化背景,因此新词语是词汇研究的一个重点。本文试通过语言实例对"山寨"一词兴起和流行的原因、语义演变、语用价值等方面
一、引言  在整个翻译史上大致交织着三种翻译倾向:一是以作者为中心的翻译观,二是以读者为中心的翻译观,三是以译者为中心的译者中心论。在历史的不同时期,对于不同的文本,人们会倾向于采用不同的翻译方法。对此,在17至19世纪,巴特曾经提出"作者是主人",(译者是仆人),译文必须"不增不减不改"地再现原文;纽曼也曾经说过"(翻译的)评判标准在于读者而非专家"[1],這些都是以作者和读者为中心的翻译理论。
一、引言  进入21世纪以来,在翻译研究文化转向的大背景下,学者们将林语堂研究的重点放到了对其独特文化观的阐释上,但对林语堂的翻译及编译作品的文本选择的研究仅仅限于从某个文化特性或某个中国古典文学的英译本着手,如人生态度取向与翻译的选择及策略——谈林语堂《浮生六记》的翻译;译者中心论与翻译的文本选择——析林语堂英译《浮生六记》等。林语堂对翻译的文本选择并不是一个孤立的理解过程,而是将其理解的主观性