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  June 1, on the China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services, China International MICE Conference was hold. The Conference was co-organized by China Convention and Exhibition Society and New Expo International Media. Vice Chairman of China Convention and Exhibition Society, Mr. Chu Xiangyin, Vice Chairman of AIPC, Mr. Aloysius Arlando, and many leaders from the industry attended the conference. On the conference, an cooperation agreement was signed by AIPC and the Magazine China International Conference & Exhibition. This is the second cooperation of the Magazine after the one with UFI.
  中国会展经济研究会常务副会长储祥银,国际会议中心协会副主席Aloysius Arlando,中青博联信息技术高级主管、爱麦思科技运营总监朱义农,世界丝绸文化论坛执行主席卞洪登,31会议CEO兼创始人万涛,中国旅行社协会会奖专业委员会副秘书长姚红,广州市商务委员会副主任陈泳芳,无锡市贸促会党组书记、会长、无锡国际商会会长、无锡市会展办主任徐惠娟,南京市人民政策会展办公室主任伊文,第二外国语大学会展系主任许忠伟,上海跨国采购中心副总经理方佩英,北京北辰时代会展有限公司总经理唐雪,亚洲国际博览馆管理有限公司首席策略总监刘小慧,南昌绿地国际博览城总经理赵鹏,中国国际科技会议中心服务处处长魏仁力,北京新展国际文化传媒有限公司总裁赵伟,《中外会展》杂志总编孙永红,中外会奖杰出女性联盟副秘书长王娣,以及来自国内外的会奖同业及媒体参加了大会。会上,《中外会展》杂志与AIPC签署合作协议;这是《中外会展》杂志继UFI合作之后与国际组织的再次合作。
Before 2012 when Mr. Tommy Lai entered the Hotel industry, he had already had 20 years of experience working in financial and real estate area. At that year, he took the vice president position of ONY
Texas is the second largest state in the United States, geographically located in the south central part of the country. When mentioned Texas, many people may think about Huston. But other than Huston
国际大会及会议协会(ICCA)最新发布的数据显示,柏林成为国际协会举办会议的首选城市。2015年,柏林举办了195个国际会议,超越巴黎(186)和巴塞罗那(180),再往后的城市排名依次为维也纳、马德里和伦敦。  2004年以来,柏林跻身国际会议城市排名前五。这是柏林第一次位列榜单之首。柏林市长米歇尔 ·米勒就此说道,“ 柏林已成为领先的国际会议举办地。无论是医疗保健、运输、信息技术和其他多个高度
Since its opening, Beijing Yanqi Lake International Convention & Exhibition Center (BYCC) has already hosted many important international events. As the permanent location for hosting Beijing Internat
As an important part of The First World Conference on Tourism for Development and the fourth China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), Beijing International Tourism Expo 2016(BI
近日,淄博喜来登酒店任命柳军先生为总经理,他将统筹监管淄博首家喜来登酒店,并负责酒店开业及运营等一切事务。  柳军先生来自于北京,在喜达屋集团有将近20年的工作经验。在此次履新之前,他同时担任青岛城阳宝龙福朋喜来登酒店及烟台雅乐轩酒店两家酒店的总经理,也曾带领团队成功筹开了廊坊固安福朋喜来登酒店。在喜达屋集团的工作生涯中,他紧跟集团方针,在集团倡导的“人的领导力”上下功夫,团结带领酒店行政管理团队
The First World Conference on Tourism for Development was held in Beijing, China from 18-21 May 2016 with a specific view to advancing the contribution of tourism to the Sustainable Development Goals
This May, the world famous Philadelphia Orchestra came to Beijing, brought unforgettable performances to the music fans. And with the coming of the Orchestra, Julie Coker Graham, the CEO of Philadelph
Located at Zhuhai Hengqin New District and close to Macau, Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel is built with the corporation of the world’s leading architects, interior and landscape designers, together with