1998年7月1日开始,IBM在北京、广州和上海三地掀起一股电子商务的浪潮。IBM将陆续在这些城市举办规模宏大、盛况空前的“电子商务大都会”。这将是IBM今年在中国最重要的活动。刚刚在香港结束的这个活动在港岛引起了异常强烈的反响。 7月1日—2日IBM在北京中国大酒店举行的“电子商务大都会”。其内容精彩纷呈,使与会者大开眼界。 电子商务在中国的应用现状及前景,怎样立足于企业自身的电脑网络系统,开展电子商务、进军新世纪,IBM的专家讲演精彩。
July 1, 1998 began, IBM in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai set off a wave of e-commerce. IBM will continue to hold large-scale, unprecedented grand “e-commerce metropolis” in these cities. This will be IBM’s most important event in China this year. This event, which ended in Hong Kong, has aroused unusually strong repercussions on Hong Kong Island. July 1 - 2 IBM held its “E-commerce Metropolis” at China World Hotel in Beijing. Its content is brilliant, so that participants eye-opener. E-commerce application status and prospects in China, how to base itself on the company’s own computer network system, to carry out e-commerce, into the new century, IBM experts speech wonderful.