食盐加碘是防治地方性甲状腺肿(简称地甲病)的主要措施,为了更好地总结经验,找出问题,改善和推动工作,争取更大的成效,我们于85年7月4日至9日对寻乌县进行了食盐加碘,防治地甲病效果考察。 一、防治简况 寻乌县位于东经115°39′,北纬24°57′,全境均为山区,绝大多数群众饮用井水和河水,少数饮用泉水或自来水。 1982年对寻乌县16个乡(镇、场)的
Salt iodization is the main measure for prevention and treatment of endemic goiter. In order to better summarize the experience, find out the problems, improve and promote the work, and strive for greater effectiveness, on July 4, 1985 to On the 9th Xiuwu County salt iodization, prevention and treatment of a disease effect inspection. First, the prevention and control profile Xunwu County is located longitude 115 ° 39 ’longitude, latitude 24 ° 57’, all throughout the mountain, the vast majority of people drinking well water and river water, drinking a small number of springs or tap water. In 1982 Xunwu County, 16 townships (towns, markets)