在中药材鉴别的诸多方法中,显微化学法有着独到的作用。它是利用显微镜观察药材中某些化学成分的特殊形态或反应来决定药材的真伪优劣的。其方法大致包括以下三个方面: 一、取微量粉末置于小试管中,加适当溶媒提出其成分,然后将提取液滴于载玻片上,做某些试验和观察。举例如下。 1.肉桂取粉末0.1克,加氯仿1毫升,浸20分钟。取滤液2滴于载玻片上,待干,再加10%盐酸苯肼溶液1滴,显微镜下观察,可见
Among the many methods for identifying Chinese herbal medicines, microscopic chemistry has a unique role. It is the use of a microscope to observe the special forms or reactions of certain chemical components in medicinal herbs to determine the authenticity and inferiority of herbs. The method generally includes the following three aspects: First, take a small amount of powder placed in a small test tube, add the appropriate solvent to present its components, and then extract the droplets on the slide, do some tests and observations. Examples are as follows. 1. Cinnamon Take 0.1g of powder, add 1ml of chloroform and dip for 20 minutes. Take 2 drops of the filtrate on a glass slide, wait until dry, and add 1 drop of 10% phenylhydrazine hydrochloride solution. Observe under the microscope.