In our hospital from 1970 to 1979, a total of 388 cases of various types of osteomyelitis were treated, and 4 cases of squamous cell carcinoma induced by persistent sinus recurrent pus. The incidence rate was 1.18%. All cases were male. The age is above 50 years old. Occurrence site: 3 cases of femur, 1 case of humerus. The sinus ostia was repeatedly pused for more than 30 years and the secretions were odorless. Chronic ulceration of the skin caused by chronic ulceration in 6 cases, 3 males and 3 females. The age of onset is 38 to 55 years old. Course of disease: 2 cases over 10 years, 2 cases over 5 years, and 2 cases over 1 year. Occurrence site: 4 cases of middle and lower legs, 3 of which were associated with varicose veins of the lower extremities, 1 case of the lower leg, and 1 case of the calcaneus of the plantar. Local manifestations: The granulation of the wound surface was uneven and bleeding was uneven. There were 3 cases of cauliflower eversion, the surrounding skin was dark purple, and the varicose veins were purple-black. The surface secretions were all odor. 10 cases of this group were confirmed by pathological examination as squamous cell carcinoma, regional