
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hamjh
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一、港口货源的开发与组织的内涵和地位货源开发即揽货,要求练好“外功”。也就是说港口企业应从腹地市场入手,通过向外部市场宣传和推介自己的企业形象、服务功能、服务内容,吸引潜在的货源,并创造出客户对本企业服务功能的需求。可以看出货源的开发包含“两个过程”和“两个目的”:“两个过程”即宣传企业形象和推介企业服务;“两个目的”是吸引潜在货源和创造客户需求。这涉及到市场争夺和占有以及同行业或跨行业企业间的协作:大家应该把货源市场这块蛋糕一起做大,而不是争抢现有的小蛋糕。通过“两个过程”实现“两个目的”,这就是货源开发的内涵。港口企业所讲的货源组织通常称之为“组货”,是追求以低成本、高质量地满足客户服务要求为目的的,涉及到生产效率、质量、价格、软硬条件、口岸环境、物流路径的设计、选择和变更以及船东、货主、港口企业间的利益分配等。这就要求练好“内功”,实现稳定现有货源,提升企业竞争力和吸引力。 First, the port source of the development and organization of the connotation and status of supply that is Lanhuo goods, requiring practice good “external power.” In other words, the port enterprises should start from the hinterland market, through the promotion of the external market and promote their own corporate image, service functions, service content, to attract potential sources of supply and create customer demand for the service functions of the enterprise. It can be seen that the development of supply includes “two processes” and “two purposes”: “two processes” that promote corporate image and promote enterprise services; “two purposes” is to attract potential sources and create customer needs. This involves market competition and possession, as well as collaboration among companies in the same industry or across industries: everyone should make the cake together in the supply market bigger than it is to compete for existing small cakes. Through “two processes” to achieve “two purposes”, this is the content of supply development. The source organization that the port enterprise speaks is often called “group goods”, it is the goal that pursues to meet the customer service requirement with low cost, high quality, involve production efficiency, quality, price, soft and hard condition, port environment, logistic Route design, choice and change and the distribution of benefits among shipowners, shippers and port enterprises. This requires practice “internal strength” to achieve the stabilization of existing sources, enhance their competitiveness and attractiveness.
目的 研究穿心莲内酯(Andro)对内毒素(LPS)诱导的急性肺损伤(ALI)大鼠的保护作用及机制.方法 32只健康成年大鼠随机分成四组.生理盐水对照组、穿心莲内酯对照组、内毒素组和
目的 探讨联合应用甘草酸二铵(DG)和地塞米松(DXM)对内毒素(LPS)所致急性肺损伤(ALI)大鼠肺组织糖皮质激素受体(GR)及核因子-κB (NF-κB)表达的影响.方法 将40只雄性SD大鼠
目的 探讨异内酚在心脏术后机械通气患者中的的镇静效果及护理.方法 选择40例心脏术后气管捅管机械通气患者,术毕入重症监护室有苏醒反应时,先给予异内酚0.6~1.0mg/kg诱导后,