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正确认识社会保险与商业保险的内容、特点、区别与联系,对建立健全具有中国特色的社会保障制度都具有重要的意义。一、对社会保险与商业保险的认识社会保险是采取保险形式对劳动者在患病、伤害、残废、年老失业或丧失劳动能力、失去就业机会时,给以基本生活保障的一种制度。如社会统筹养老保险、职工待业保险等。其特点一是保险的特点,保险基金是由企业和职工按政府规定的工资总额比例缴纳保险费的形式积聚起来,用于支付被保障职工应享受的各项保险待遇;二是强制的特点,即社会保险是一种强制保险,是由国家颁布法律、法令强制实施的保险,凡是决定的保险对 Correctly understanding the contents, characteristics, differences and connections between social insurance and commercial insurance is of great significance to the establishment and improvement of the social security system with Chinese characteristics. I. Understanding of Social Insurance and Commercial Insurance Social insurance is a system that takes the form of insurance to protect workers’ basic living in the event of illness, injury, disability, old age unemployment or loss of working ability and loss of employment opportunities. Such as social pension insurance, unemployment insurance and other workers. The first characteristic is the characteristics of insurance. Insurance funds are accumulated by enterprises and employees in the form of premiums paid in proportion to the total amount of wages stipulated by the government. They are used to pay for the insurance benefits to be enjoyed by workers who are guaranteed. Second, the mandatory features, That social insurance is a compulsory insurance, is enacted by the state laws and ordinances insurance, insurance policy decisions that any
目的研究迷走神经电刺激(V NS)对大鼠大脑中动脉阻断(M C AO)/再灌注大鼠脑损伤的影响及其机制。方法健康成年雄性SD大鼠24只,随机分为两组:MCAO/再灌注组(MCAO组,n=12)大鼠仅行MCAO
小麦近缘物种蕴含丰富的优良基因,如百萨偃麦草(Thinopyrum bessarabicum L?ve,JJ或EbEb)和二倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum elongatum(Host)A.L?ve,EE或EeEe)具有抗多种小麦病害、耐盐、耐旱等特点,是小麦遗传改良过程中重要的基因库。本研究综合利用原位杂交与分子标记技术并结合田间农艺性状对从CIMMYT、堪萨斯州立大学小麦资源中心等处引进