Structure-configurational entropy and its effect on the thermodynamic stability of uranyl phases: Wi

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangzanJane
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Spent UO2 fuel will rapidly be altered to U6+ phases in nuclear waste repositories. Be-cause most uranyl phases are based on sheet or chain structures and usually contain several mo-lecular water groups, site-mixing, vacancies, as well as disorder in the orientation of hydrogen bonds may occur. A systematic survey of the published crystallographic data for uranates, uranyl oxide hydrates, phosphates, silicates, carbonates, and sulfates demonstrates that site-mixing ap-parently occurs in the structures of at least 31 uranyl phases. Calculations of the ideal site-mixing entropy indicate that the residual contribution that arises from substitution and vacancies to the third-law entropies of some uranyl phases is large. A brief examination of the crystal chemistry of water molecules in uranyl phases suggests that considerable residual entropy may be caused by the disorder of hydrogen bonds associated with interstitial H2O groups. In the geochemical envi-ronment that expected to occur in the near-field of nuclear waste repositories, the existence of structure-configurational entropy may reduce the uranium concentration of several log units in so-lutions equilibrated with some uranyl phases. Therefore, compositional analysis and structural de-terminations must be made on the samples used in calorimetric measurements, and the calorimet-ric data must be combined with solubility data to evaluate the thermodynamic stability of the inter-ested phases. Spent UO2 fuel will rapidly be altered to U6 + phases in nuclear waste repositories. Be-cause most uranyl phases are based on sheet or chain structures and usually contain several mo-lecular water groups, site-mixing, vacancies, as well as disorder in the A systematic survey of the published crystallographic data for uranates, uranyl oxide hydrates, phosphates, silicates, carbonates, and sulfates demonstrates that site-mixing ap-parently occurs in the structures of at least 31 uranyl phases. Calculations of the ideal site-mixing entropy indicate that the residual contribution that arises from substitution and vacancies to the third-law entropies of some uranyl phases is large. A brief examination of the crystal chemistry of water molecules in uranyl phases suggests that considerable residual entropy may be caused by the disorder of hydrogen bonds associated with interstitial H2O groups. In the geochemical envi-ronment that expected to occur in th The near-field of nuclear waste repositories, the existence of structure-configurational entropy may reduce the uranium concentration of several log units in so-lutions equilibrated with some uranyl phases. Thus, compositional analysis and structural de-terminations must be made on the samples used in calorimetric measurements, and the calorimet-ric data must be combined with solubility data to evaluate the thermodynamic stability of the inter-ested phases.
【摘 要】学生体质下降该怪谁?在这些因素中,学校教育和体育,不能承担全部责任,但也绝对摆脱不了自己的责任。提高学生的体质需要学校、社区和家庭三方共同努力的,呼吁社会、家庭和学校一起关心每一个孩子的健康。  【关键词】学校;教师;学生;家长;增强体质  浙江省学生体质与健康调研结果显示,学生的身体素质全面下降,在速度、下肢爆发力、耐力和力量的各项身体素质中,耐力下降最为明显,尤其是13~22岁学生
1 亲历 1978 年全国科学大会rn《院刊》:今年是 1978 年全国科学大会召开 40 周年,我们知道当时您作为科技界代表参加了此次大会,能介绍一下您所亲历的大会情况吗?rn徐匡迪: