几种除草剂和助剂对苜蓿Medicago sative出苗和生长的影响

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在温室条件下研究了几种苗前除草剂单用或混用对苜蓿出苗和生长的影响 ,以及不同叶龄苜蓿对苗后除草剂的反应及添加助剂对药效的影响。结果表明 :咪唑乙烟酸在6 0~ 12 0 g/hm2 剂量下 ,于苗前施用 ,对苜蓿出苗和幼苗生长都有明显的抑制作用。咪唑乙烟酸(30 g/hm2 )与二甲戊灵 (495 g/hm2 )混用 ,对苜蓿的药害显著降低。苗后施用除草剂对苜蓿的安全性与叶龄密切相关。咪唑乙烟酸以 30~ 6 0 g/hm2 剂量在苜蓿 3叶期施用 ,对苜蓿安全 ;在12 0 g/hm2 用量下 ,对 5叶期的苜蓿无明显药害。乳氟禾草灵 (130~ 2 6 0 g/hm2 )和丙炔氟草胺(75~ 15 0 g/hm2 )无论是 3叶期还是 5叶期施用 ,对苜蓿幼苗都有严重的药害。与咪唑乙烟酸单用时比较 ,药液中添加 1.0 m L /L的平平加 - 15和 AM- 10 0及 5 .0 m L /L的 SDP,对苜蓿幼苗生长无明显影响 The effect of several pre-emergence herbicides alone or in combination on the emergence and growth of alfalfa was studied in greenhouse as well as the response of alfalfa to post-emergence herbicides and the effect of adding auxiliaries on the efficacy of alfalfa. The results showed that imazethapyr could obviously inhibit the emergence and seedling growth of Medicago sativa at 60 ~ 120 g / hm2. The combination of imazethapyr (30 g / hm2) and pendimethalin (495 g / hm2) significantly reduced the phytotoxicity of Medicago sativa. Post-emergence application of herbicides on alfalfa safety and leaf age are closely related. Mifepristone was applied to the clover at three leaf stages of alfalfa at a dose of 30 ~ 60 g / hm2, which was safe for alfalfa. No significant phytotoxicity was observed on alfalfa at the five-leaf stage at a dose of 120 g / hm2. Lactofen (130-260 g / hm2) and propoxynil (75-1500 g / hm2) had severe phytotoxicity on alfalfa seedlings, no matter in 3-leaf stage or 5-leaf stage. . Compared with imazapyr alone, the addition of 1.0 m L / L of Peregal-15 and AM-10 0 and 5.0 m L / L of SDP had no significant effect on the growth of Medicago sativa seedlings
Some red edge parameters( λ red, Min λ 6oo-72o, d λ,red, d λ min, d λ red / d λ min, ∑ d λ 680-750, and λ nir) and the relationship between these param
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本文主要报道了甘蓝型油菜显性细胞核雄性不育两用系 RA1和隐性细胞核雄性不育两用系 RA82的选育过程 ,调查了两用系群体内育性表现。结果表明 ,2个两用系内可育株与不育株的
肾病综合征(N S )是指一组临床症状,临床特点为三高一低,即大量蛋白尿(≥3.5 g/d)、水肿、高脂血症,血浆蛋白低(≤30 g/L )[1]。病情严重者会有浆膜腔积液、无尿表现。其患者普遍存在高凝状
喷丸处理是改进金属工件疲劳性能最常规的表面处理方法。文中研究了喷丸处理对合金化奥贝球铁(AD)I疲劳性能的影响。等温淬火包括875℃保温90 min奥氏体化处理,然后在320℃、
根据Taq酶既有聚合酶活性又有反转录酶活性的特点 ,探索了只在Taq酶单独作用下完成RT PCR反应的条件 ,以达到对马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒 (PSTV)的快速检测。结果表明 ,反转录阶