随着人民生活水平的提高,流动人口的增加,饮食来源和方式多样化及食客行为方式的改变,在城市中存在着发生食源性寄生虫病(food-borne parasitic disease)的潜在风险。据2004年全国31个省(区、市)的调查结果,食源性寄生虫中最有代表性的华支睾吸虫,其感染率比1990年第一次全国调查的结果上升了75%,估计华支睾吸虫感染者达1 200多万人,感染率为0.58%~[1]。由于生食或半生食猪肉和鱼、蟹等引起的其他食源性寄生
With the improvement of people’s living standards, the increase of floating population, the diversification of diet sources and the change of the mode of diner’s behavior, there is a potential risk of food-borne parasitic disease in the city. According to the survey results of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China in 2004, the most representative Clonorchis sinensis in foodborne parasites was 75% more likely to be infected than the results of the first national survey in 1990, It is estimated that Clonorchis sinensis infected more than 12 million people, the infection rate was 0.58% ~ [1]. Due to raw or semi-raw pork and fish, crabs and other food-borne parasites