拜占庭首都——君士坦丁堡是中世纪东西方之间、地中海和黑海之间商路的交汇点,因此商业贸易极为活跃,来自地中海世界和东西方的商人在此进行频繁交易。活跃的商业活动带动并刺激了手工业的发展,使帝国政府从中得到巨大的实利,繁荣了帝国经济、增强了帝国国力。马克思曾形象地将君士坦丁堡比喻为“沟通东西方的金桥”。 (1)查士丁尼王朝时期的拜占庭金币从建国之初起,拜占庭即实行货币的金银复本位制。在帝国境内流通的货币有金、银、铜币,在
Byzantine Capital - Constantinople was the meeting point of the Middle Ages between the East and the West, the trade routes between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, so the commercial trade was extremely active, with merchants from the Mediterranean and the East and the West trading frequently. Active business activities led and stimulated the development of the handicrafts industry, which enabled the imperial government to obtain tremendous solid profits, prospered the economy of the imperialism and enhanced the national power of the empire. Marx vividly compared Constantinople to “the golden bridge between east and west.” (1) Byzantine gold in the Justinian period From the very beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic, Byzantium implemented the gold and silver complex system of currency. In the imperial circulation of gold, silver, copper, in