性质 素质 物质——浅谈影响地市党报版面风格的主要因素

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报纸的性质是决定版面风格的前提,报人队伍是形成版面风格的关键,报社的物质条件是体现版面风格的基础。在前提确定之后,报人在形成报纸版面风格上具有主观能动性。高素质的报人不但能在日复一日的出版过程中,根据报社所能提供的物质条件,体现报纸既定的版面风格,而且能够根据社会需求的变化、读者阅读兴趣的变化、报社物质条件的变化,不断创新版面风格。风格的继承和创新是辩证的统一:没有继承,便形成不了风格;没有创新,便不能与时俱进。在继承中发展,在发展中创新,是时代赋予我们的任务。 The nature of the newspaper is the precondition for determining the style of the layout. The newspaper team is the key to the layout style. The material conditions of the newspaper are the basis for the style of the layout. After the premise is confirmed, the newspaper reporter possesses subjective initiative in forming the newspaper layout style. Not only can the high-quality informants reflect the newspaper’s established layout style according to the material conditions that newspapers can provide, but also according to the change of social needs, changes in readers’ interest in reading, the material conditions of the newspaper in the daily publication process, The change, continuous innovation layout style. Inheritance and innovation of style are dialectical unity: they can not form a style without succession; without innovation, they can not advance with the times. Development in succession and innovation in development are tasks entrusted to us by the times.
报纸的风格通过版面反映出来。各报都有自己长期形成的版面风格。读者常常不用看报头,光看题文和字体字号,就能直呼其名,为什么?版面风格使然。 报纸的版面风格是指编辑在报