英国“全国购书代币券公司”(National Book Tokens)成立“独立电子书店”(The Indie eBook Shop)网站,帮助独立书店销售电子书。独立电子书店将在4月伦敦书展时上线,Gardners图书负责运作,销售35万多本电子书,每卖出一本电子书,独立书店能得到17.5%的佣金。这一比例是Kobo和Gardners的Hive提供佣金的两倍多。网站上线后还会推出购书礼品卡。书商可以注册加入该网站,网站将增加电子书销售的链接到书店自己的网站、博客或邮件。
UK “National Book Tokens” Launches “The Indie eBook Shop” website to help independent bookstores sell e-books. The stand-alone e-book store will be on-line at the London Book Fair in April. The Gardners book is responsible for running and selling more than 350,000 e-books. Each time an e-book is sold, the independent bookstore receives a 17.5% commission. That's more than double the commission offered by Hive at Kobo and Gardners. The website will be launched after the purchase of gift cards. Booksellers can sign up to join the site, and the site will add ebook sales links to the bookstore's own website, blog or mail.