目的 探讨小儿复发性肠套叠的发病原因和治疗方法。方法 复习近 5年治疗小儿急性肠套叠 11例复发病例。 11例复发性肠套叠复发 17例次 ,首次套叠时肥胖患儿 9例 (81 9% ) ;1周内有腹泻病史者 5例 (45 5 % ) ,上呼吸道感染者 4例 (36 4 % )。结果 所有的复发性肠套叠均经灌肠复位成功。其中 1例套叠为美克尔憩室并溃疡出血 ,复位后行美克尔憩室切除术 ;另 1例为两次手术复位后复发并行空气灌肠复位成功。结论 小儿复发性肠套叠可能和病毒感染有关 ,并且通过灌肠复位的成功率高而没有并发症 ;手术治疗复发性肠套叠多因灌肠复位失败和套叠为器质性病变者。小儿急性肠套叠初次手术复位后很少有套叠再次发生。
Objective To investigate the etiology and treatment of recurrent intussusception in children. Methods To review 11 cases of children with acute intussusception in the past 5 years. There were 11 cases of recurrent intussusception recurrence in 17 cases, 9 cases (81 9%) of obese children in the first intussusception, 5 cases (45 5%) in 1 week and 4 cases of upper respiratory tract infection 4%). Results All recurrent intussusception was successful. One case was nested with Meckel’s diverticulum and the ulcer was hemorrhaged. After the resection, Meckel’s diverticulum resection was performed. In another case, the recurrent air enema was successfully resected after two surgical resections. Conclusions The children with recurrent intussusception may be related to viral infection, and the success rate of enema reduction without complications; surgical treatment of recurrent intussusception due to multiple enema reset failure and intussusception of organic disease. Infantile acute intussusception after the initial surgical resection of very few nested again.