根据已开发鱼类种群的自然死亡率(M)在鱼类资源评估中的重要作用,讨论了1种应用实际种群分析(VPA)(亦即世代分析方法)估算鱼类自然死亡率的方法。文中假设了捕捞努力量(E)已知和未知2种情况,并同时求出了其他种群参数,如可捕系数,补充量等。在蒙特卡罗模拟分析中,假设了4种模拟渔业(管理良好的渔业,掠夺式渔业,恢复性渔业和稳定性渔业)对该方法进行了验证。并将von-Bertalanffy生长方程(VBGF)引入VPA模型来估算鱼类的自然死亡率。当C V等于20%时,在4种模拟渔业中鱼类各龄自然死亡率(Ma)的EP均小于10%。在已知单位捕捞努力量渔获量数据时,计算北大西洋长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)的M等于0.119,这个结果比先前假定的值(0.3)小,但考虑到该鱼种所承受的高的捕捞压力作者认为该估计值是合理的。
Based on the important role of natural mortality (M) of developed fish stocks in fish resource assessment, a method for estimating natural mortality of fish using Real Population Analysis (VPA) (ie, generational analysis) is discussed. In this paper, two known and unknown fishing effort (E) are assumed, and other parameters of the population, such as capture coefficient, replenishment, etc., are also determined. In Monte Carlo simulations, this method was validated on the assumption that four types of simulated fisheries (well-managed fisheries, predatory fisheries, restorative fisheries and stable fisheries) were validated. The von-Bertalanffy growth equation (VBGF) was introduced into the VPA model to estimate the natural mortality of fish. When C V equals 20%, the EPs of fish at all ages in all four simulated fisheries are less than 10%. When known catch data, the M of the North Atlantic albacore Thunnus alalunga was calculated to be 0.119, which is less than the previously assumed value of (0.3), but taking into account the high The author believes that this estimate is reasonable.