利用功能磁共振成像技术,对6名单眼屈光参差性弱视患者进行相位编码视网膜脑图和6cpd 4Hz 0.5水平的对比敏感度检查,研究弱视对比敏感度功能缺失在大脑视觉皮层的发生机制。首先采用VFS分区法对受试者进行视皮层功能区定位;然后基于通用线性模型(General Linear Model,GLM)构建检验统计量,计算出各体素点对比敏感度反应的T值;最后进行受试者健眼与弱视眼V1~V8视网膜皮层代表区T值水平的对比分析,以及V2~V8区T差值与V1区T差值之间的回归分析。实验结果表明:弱视初、高级视皮层均存在对比敏感度功能缺失,但两者之间无明显相关性;各功能区弱视眼的平均T值均有一致性的减小,除V3a,V4与V8区外统计学差异显著(配对t检验,P<0.05);V1区T差值与V2、V3、VP、V7区T差值的回归分析无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
Six patients with monocular ametropia amblyopia were examined by phase-contrast retina and contrast sensitivity at 6 cpd 4 Hz 0.5 level using functional magnetic resonance imaging technique to study the mechanism of the loss of contrast sensitivity in the visual cortex of the brain. First of all, the VFS partitioning method was used to locate the visual cortex in the visual cortex. Then the test statistic was constructed based on General Linear Model (GLM), and the T value of contrast sensitivity of each voxel was calculated. Finally, The comparison of T value of retinal cortex of V1 ~ V8 in healthy eye and amblyopia, and the regression analysis of T difference in V2 ~ V8 and T difference in V1. The experimental results show that there is a loss of contrast sensitivity in the visual cortex of amblyopia, but there is no significant correlation between them. The average T value of amblyopic eyes of all functional areas decreases uniformly. Except V3a, V4 and There was significant statistical difference (P <0.05) between the V8 region and the T value of V2, V3, VP and V7 regions (P> 0.05).