“北漂”已经成了当代社会一个具有独特内涵的流 行词汇。“北漂”可以指一个人,也可以说是偌大一个群体,也可以用来描绘一支成分极其庞杂的队伍。这个词具有无限吸纳包容的功能,将正在孜孜以求,投身于影视歌舞文以及相关门类里的那些特立独行的淘金者,统统涵盖其中。“北漂”这个词甚至扩展成一张天降之网,将所有以北京为坐标,蜂拥而至,在各行各业倾尽心力殚精竭虑企望兑现其理想抱负的人,全部囊括其中。如果套改一句广为流传的有关北京的新市井俗语,那就是,“到了北京,一不小心就碰着了‘北漂’”。“北漂”有多少人?有说10万,有说20万,有说30万难有定论,不过,若把如水流行随风而去熙来攘往于北京的所有“北漂”计算在内的话,上述数字显示的极可能仅仅是沉浮在大洋中的冰山一角,其真
“North drift” has become a modern society with a unique connotation of popular vocabulary. “North drift” can refer to a person, it can be said that a large group, can also be used to describe a very complex composition of the team. The word is infinitely inclusive and inclusive, and the maverick gold-diggers who are working diligently to devote themselves to film, song and dance, and related genres, are all covered. The word “North drift” has even expanded into a web of heaven, bringing all those who coordinate and flock to Beijing, all in all walks of life who have tried their best to fulfill their ideal aspirations. If we change the widely circulated new fairy tale about Beijing, that is, “When we arrived in Beijing, we accidentally toured the North Pole.” How many people in the “North Pole”? There are 100,000, 200,000 and 300,000 hard to say. However, if all the “North Pilots” in Beijing, such as the prevailing wind and water, are taken into account, Most likely the figures show only the tip of the iceberg that floats in the ocean, its true