The key technologies of controlling low carbon steel as-cast strip surface quality

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzfeng163
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This article is try to explain or analyze the key technologies of controlling the surface quality of low carbon steel as cast strip through investigation of interface heat transfer between solidified shell and liquid steel.The one of the key technologies of controlling surface quality of low carbon steel as cast strip is through the casting roll surface texture in order to achieve the homogeneous solidification on the casting roll.Another is through forming a thin film on the casting roll surface in order to achieve a balance between rapid solidification and homogeneous solidification.This film formed between the twin roll and the molten steel can be controlled by adjusting the chemical composition and inclusion in liquid steel through controlling the amount of all[O]and free[O]. This article is to to or analyze the key technologies of controlling the surface quality of low carbon steel as cast strip through investigation of interface heat transfer between solidified shell and liquid steel. One of the key technologies of controlling surface quality of low carbon steel as cast strip is through the casting roll surface texture in order to achieve the homogeneous solidification on the casting roll.Another is through forming a thin film on the casting roll surface in order to achieve a balance between rapid solidification and homogeneous solidification.This film formed between the twin roll and the molten steel can be controlled by adjusting the chemical composition and inclusion in liquid steel through controlling the amount of all [O] and free [O].
《材料科学技术(英文版)》,英文全称为Journal of Materials Science & Technology,简称JMST(年创刊,是国内第一本材料类英文版学术刊物,由中国金属学会、
[目的]建立千年桐优株选择综合评价体系,进行千年桐优株的准确评价,为千年桐育种奠定理论基础.[方法]以湘南地区实生繁殖的进入盛果期的5 000 hm2千年桐为选优林分,根据单株
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似乎有些年头了,几个老牌的教会大学如燕大、圣约翰和金陵大学等,其校友要求复校的呼声时起时伏。但是,时过境迁,斯人已去,而今就是真有了新燕大,恐也未必能够再现老燕大的昔日风情。对于怀旧的老校友而言,即使是故园青草依旧萋萋,却也是物是人非,垂手东望,旧梦难圆。  从二十世纪五十年代初被拆解或撤并到如今,因为其创设的宗教渊源,再加上它被贴上的殖民主义和文化侵略等标签,教会大学曾长期以负面形象呈现于世人面