摘要 云南锦斑蛾Achelura yunnanensis是近几年在云南樱花Cerasus serrula上发生的一种食叶性害虫。本文通过林间调查和人工饲养相结合的方法,首次明确了云南锦斑蛾的生活史和发生规律。云南锦斑蛾在昆明地区一年发生1~2代,以老熟幼虫越冬。翌年4月下旬成虫陆续羽化,将卵散产于寄主植物树干的树皮缝或皮孔处,卵期15~17 d,6月上旬幼虫孵化,幼虫多为8龄(44%)、9龄(47%),少数10龄(9%)。低龄幼虫食量较小,高龄幼虫食量大增,有吐丝下树转移为害的习性。9月下旬老熟幼虫在小枝或枯枝落叶层结茧越冬,越冬期长达6个月。成虫飞翔能力弱,具有较弱的趋光性。
关键词 云南锦斑蛾; 生物学特性; 发生规律
中图分类号: S 433.4
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2017476
Abstract Achelura yunnanensis (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) is an important defoliator pest and has caused serious damage on Cherry,Cerasus serrula in recent years in Kunming, Yunnan Province. In order to control its damage, the biological characteristics and occurrence patterns ofA. yunnanensis were investigated by artificial rearing on the leave ofC.cerasoides in the field and laboratory. The moth has 1-2 generations per year in Kunming and overwinters with mature larvae. The adults emerge in late April and lay eggs in the bark dehiscences or lenticels. The egg duration is 15-17 days. The larva hatches in early June and has eight(44%), nine(47%) and ten(9%) instars in the whole stages. It feeds a little at the beginning and disperses to feed by spinning silk from the sixth instar. Mature larvae overwinter in a cocoon at twigs or forest litters in late September, and the overwintering period is up to six months. The adult has weak flying ability and photokinesis.
Key words Achelura yunnanensis; biological characteristic; occurrence pattern
樱花为落叶乔木,是早春重要的观花树种,因其盛开时节花繁艳丽,满树烂漫,被广泛用于园林观赏[1-2]。樱花是昆明市主要的园林绿化树种,昆明圆通山的“圆通樱潮”,每年春季吸引大量的游客,就得益于圆通山大面积的重瓣云南樱花Cerasus serrula和日本櫻花C.yedoensis。此外,市区穿金路、圆通街、黑龙潭公园和瀑布公园等也种植有相当数量的冬樱花C.cerasoides和云南樱花C.serrula,增加了“春城”昆明冬季园林植物的色相变化,为少花的冬季增添了灿烂的自然景观。云南锦斑蛾Achelura yunnanensisHorie
关键词 云南锦斑蛾; 生物学特性; 发生规律
中图分类号: S 433.4
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2017476
Abstract Achelura yunnanensis (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) is an important defoliator pest and has caused serious damage on Cherry,Cerasus serrula in recent years in Kunming, Yunnan Province. In order to control its damage, the biological characteristics and occurrence patterns ofA. yunnanensis were investigated by artificial rearing on the leave ofC.cerasoides in the field and laboratory. The moth has 1-2 generations per year in Kunming and overwinters with mature larvae. The adults emerge in late April and lay eggs in the bark dehiscences or lenticels. The egg duration is 15-17 days. The larva hatches in early June and has eight(44%), nine(47%) and ten(9%) instars in the whole stages. It feeds a little at the beginning and disperses to feed by spinning silk from the sixth instar. Mature larvae overwinter in a cocoon at twigs or forest litters in late September, and the overwintering period is up to six months. The adult has weak flying ability and photokinesis.
Key words Achelura yunnanensis; biological characteristic; occurrence pattern
樱花为落叶乔木,是早春重要的观花树种,因其盛开时节花繁艳丽,满树烂漫,被广泛用于园林观赏[1-2]。樱花是昆明市主要的园林绿化树种,昆明圆通山的“圆通樱潮”,每年春季吸引大量的游客,就得益于圆通山大面积的重瓣云南樱花Cerasus serrula和日本櫻花C.yedoensis。此外,市区穿金路、圆通街、黑龙潭公园和瀑布公园等也种植有相当数量的冬樱花C.cerasoides和云南樱花C.serrula,增加了“春城”昆明冬季园林植物的色相变化,为少花的冬季增添了灿烂的自然景观。云南锦斑蛾Achelura yunnanensisHorie