学术界公认的自杀3种表现形式是自杀意念(suicidal ideation)、自杀未遂(suicidal attempt)和自杀死亡(completed suicide)[1]。我国卫生部1995-1999年的死亡数据进行分析显示,自杀是我国居民第5位死因,是15~34岁年龄段第1位死因[2]。中学生处于青春期,躯体和心理的双重变化使个体容易产生负性情绪,另外还要参加各种考试,面临着升学的压力,因此自杀意念的出现率高于大学生[3]和成人群体[4]。本文回顾了近年来中学生自杀的发生率,并从生物学、家庭、学校、同伴、个体心理和应激生活事件6个方面总结归纳了中学生自杀相
The three manifestations of suicide in academia are suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt, and completed suicide [1]. An analysis of the death data of the Ministry of Health in 1995-1999 shows that suicide is the fifth leading cause of death among Chinese residents and is the first cause of death in the age group of 15 to 34 years [2]. Middle school students in adolescence, physical and psychological changes make the individual prone to negative emotions, in addition to participate in various examinations, facing the pressure of further studies, so suicide ideation than college students [3] and adult groups [4] . This article reviews the incidence of suicide in secondary school students in recent years and summarizes the suicide of secondary school students from six aspects of biology, family, school, peer, individual psychology and stress life events