二 南万林是9月底率车队从新疆叶城赶到阿里狮泉河的。车队又在札达等了几天才传来什布奇开山的消息。14辆东风车满载着过冬物资和战备物资,星夜启程向什布奇赶去。 这是一条什么样的路啊! 300公里的路程,横穿了整个一条喜马拉雅山脉。沿途海拔6 000米以上的冰达坂就有7座。仅从终年积雪的藏北阿里的山岗,到山南谷地的亚热带丛林附近的什布奇,不到150公里的路段上,每年都有几十次雪崩、泥石流发生,是阿里高原上一条著名的“死亡谷地”,也是翻越喜马拉雅山
Second South Wanlin rate at the end of September the team rushed from the Yecheng, Xinjiang Lion Rock River. A few days after the convoy arrived in Zhabei, the convoy sent the news of the Bush administration. 14 Dongfeng car loaded with winter supplies and combat readiness supplies, starry night departure to rush to Bush. This is what kind of road ah! 300 km away, across the entire Himalayas. There are 7 Ice Dabanshan above 6,000 meters above sea level. Dozens of avalanches and mudslides occur each year on less than 150 kilometers of roads from the snow-capped mountains of Northern Ali in the snow-capped mountains to the shibuqi near the subtropical jungle in the Shannan valley. Death Valley ", but also over the Himalayas