一、具备下列条件基本上是帕金森病1.病人必须存在至少两个下列主征 :静止型震颤 (节律性 ,每秒 4~ 7次 ) ,齿轮样或铅管样肌强直 ,运动迟缓或减少 ,姿势性反射障碍 ,但至少包括静止性震颤或运动迟缓其中一项。2 .病人的帕金森病症状和体征不是由于脑外伤、脑肿瘤、病毒感染、
First, have the following conditions are basically Parkinson’s disease 1. The patient must have at least two of the following symptoms: resting tremor (rhythm, 4 to 7 times per second), gear-like or lead tube-like muscle rigidity, bradykinesia or Reduce, postural reflex disorders, but at least one of them is resting tremor or bradykinesia. 2. Patient’s Parkinson’s disease symptoms and signs are not due to traumatic brain injury, brain tumor, viral infection,