严嵩、严世蕃,是中国历史上顶尖级巨贪父 子 由于严嵩发迹太晚,一直在南京坐冷板凳多年,等到官拜武 英殿大学士,入值文渊阁,受到明世宗朱厚熄重用,已是嘉靖二 十一年的事。老先生60多岁,那时虽无到点退休一说,但上帝留 给他贪污的年头,无论怎样抓捞,为时也不是太多,于是趁早将 他实在不成样子的“短项肥体,眇一目”的儿子,提拔起来,作为 膀臂。这样,独眼龙得以“由父任入仕。以筑京师外城(功)劳,由 太常卿进工部左侍郎,仍掌尚宝司事。剽悍阴贼,席父宠,招权利 无厌”。(《明史》)
YAN Song, Yan Shi-fan, is a top-level grossed father and son in Chinese history. As Yan Song passed away too late, he had been sitting in a bench in Nanjing for many years until he was admitted to Wuyin Temple, Jiajing twenty-one years of business. Mr. Lao, who is 60 years old, did not come to retirement at that time. However, God gave him years of corruption without too much time, so as soon as possible he would be out of shape. “Short-fat Body, 眇 a head ”son, raised up, as the arm. In this way, the one-eyed eagle to “from the father into office to build capital outside the city (Gong) labor, by the Tai Changqing into the left assistant minister, still in charge of Shang Bao Secretary. Nasty ”. (“Ming History”)