这个世界充斥着资本,意味着经理人固守大公司的动力已经减少。一旦他们功成名就,理所当然会另起炉灶。前不久,许多重要的和自视重要的人物前往瑞士达沃斯,参加世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)年会。数以千计的高管、银行家、政治家和企业大亨莅临这次论坛。但在我浏览名单时,有一个人引起了我的注意,那就是前美国驻奥地利大使罗伊·赫芬顿。
The world is full of capital, which means the motivation for managers to stick to big companies has been reduced. As soon as they succeed, they naturally start their own course. Not long ago, many important and self-important figures traveled to Davos, Switzerland, to attend the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. Thousands of executives, bankers, politicians and business tycoons come to this forum. But one person grabbed my attention as I looked through the list, the former U.S. Ambassador to Austria Roy Huffington.