CRARL蒸汽系统通过管道为溶解系统提供蒸汽,该系统主要设备为一台150kW蒸汽电加热锅炉(FH-JZ-003),额定蒸发量0.2T/h,额定压力1.0 MPa。调试中发现,电加热炉的侵入式电加热器紧靠墙体,不能正常维修维护;部分蒸汽管道
The CRARL steam system provides steam to the dissolving system through pipes. The main equipment of the system is a 150kW steam electric heating boiler (FH-JZ-003) with a rated evaporation of 0.2T / h and a rated pressure of 1.0 MPa. Commissioning found that the electric heater intrusion heater close to the wall, not normal maintenance and repair; part of the steam pipe