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目前港埠单位生产组织过程中,普遍存在“重生产轻效益成本意识普遍不强、重结果轻过程成本控制手段单一、重形式轻内容成本考核体系设计不合理、基础工作不扎实单位成本核算统计基础不完备”等问题。通过“推广成本文化提高成本意识、健全成本考核体系落实成本管理责任制、加强统计核算体系建设夯实成本管理基础、逐步完善成本考核内容循序渐进推进成本考核深度、明确成本输入接口建立上下线客户制的成本实时考核体系、科学合理测定机械定额台时和装卸作业、辅助生产、维修工时标准体系,推行成本预算管理,加强装卸成本过程控制”等一系列完备的方案和措施,进一步提高全员成本意识,完善成本管理体制,建立健全成本考核奖惩机制,加强生产组织过程的成本控制,提高投入产出比例,从而实现提高企业经济效益的最终目的。 At present, the production and organization process of port and port units is ubiquitous. “The awareness of cost-effectiveness of remanufacturing is generally not strong and the result of light remediation is simple. The light content cost assessment system is unimportant and the basic work is not solid. Unit Cost Accounting Statistics Incomplete foundation ”and other issues. Promote Cost Consciousness System and Improve Cost Assessment System Implement Cost Management Responsibility System and Strengthen Statistical Accounting System Consolidate the Basis of Cost Management and Gradually Improve Cost Assessment Content Step by Step Push Forward Cost Assessment Depth and Clarify Cost Input Interface Establish Up-and-Down Customer System Cost of real-time assessment system, scientific and rational determination of mechanical quota and loading and unloading operations, auxiliary production and maintenance of working hours and standard system, the implementation of cost budget management, strengthening the process control of loading and unloading costs "and a series of complete programs and measures to further enhance the full Cost awareness, improve the cost management system, establish and improve the cost assessment rewards and punishments mechanism, strengthen the cost control of the production and organization process, improve the input-output ratio, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of improving the economic efficiency of enterprises.
新世纪新阶段加强和改进军校思想道德教育要侧重抓好“三个环节” :一要抓“灌输” ,确保学员“立好志、定好向” ;二要抓“渗透” ,确保学员具备“打得赢 ,不变质”的思想政
军队院校政治经济学课教学内容要适应改革开放和市场经济发展需要 ,必须处理好三方面关系 :一般与个别的关系 ,突出该课的本土性 ;批判与借鉴的关系 ,提高该课的开放性 ;坚持
摘 要:教学是教师的教和学生的学的统一,这种统一的实质是师生交往、共同发展的互动过程,结合高中思想政治的具体学科特点,从教师角色意识的转变、民主和谐的教学氛围、自主学习、丰富的教学资源、关注和倾听,探讨高中思想政治课教学中师生互动的策略。  关键词:思想政治课;师生互动;策略  教学过程就是一个师生交流、师生共享的互动过程,它是师生共同互动、共同品味、共同分享的教学模式。因此,我认为建构创新型的师