在四线圈的磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输(wireless power transfer,WPT)系统中,其效率随着传输距离及负载的不同而剧烈变化.由于传统WPT系统的线圈耦合参数难以根据工况进行动态调整,造成整体的传输功率及效率相对较低.为此,该文提出了一种新的四线圈WPT系统耦合调整方法.在详细分析并推导系统传输模型的基础上,提出在耦合线圈间设置辅助线圈实现耦合系数等效调整的方法,从而提高系统在不同传输距离下的传输效率及输出功率.该方法具有损耗小、调整范围大等优点.最后,通过实验样机的测量验证了所提出方法的可行性.样机的端到端效率峰值达到了86%.同时,所提出的耦合调整方法将系统在传输距离大于150mm,即发射线圈与接收线圈耦合系数小于0.05时的输出功率与整机效率由原有的20W、46%提升至50W、60%.“,”In the present four-coil resonant wireless power transfer (WPT) system based on near-field magnetic coupling, the transfer power and efficiency, which change sharply at different transfer distance and load, are relatively low for lack of adjustable coupling parameters. After the analysis and derivation of four-coil WPT model, this paper proposed a new method to adjust the coupling coefficients equally by adding auxiliary coils. The method proposed improves transfer power and efficiency significantly at different transfer distance, and only cause negligible losses. Finally, a prototype was built to verify the method.The peak end-end efficiency of system reaches 86%, and the transfer power/efficiency increase from 20W/46% to 50W/60% when transfer distance is greater than 150mm, i.e. the coupling coefficient between transmitting and receiving coils is less than 0.05.