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日本帝国主义对外扩张侵略的总的战略企图,分为侵占中国、“南进”和“北进”三个组成部分。实现这个战略企图的次序则是“先中国,后世界”,首先进攻和独占中国,实行“中间突破”,然后实行“南进”或“北进”,或者“南北并进”。中国抗战粉碎了日本的“中间突破”计划,困住了日军的主力,箝制了日军“北进”计划的实施,延缓了其“南进”的步伐。在中日战争长期化、日美矛盾尖锐化和德国侵略战争扩大化的世界战略态势之下,日本终于铤而走险,实施“南进”政策,经过从“良机南进”到“有限南进”和“南北并进,优先南进”以及从“优先南进”到“专事南进”三部曲,走上了发动太平洋战争之路。 The general strategic attempt of the Japanese imperialists to aggressively expand aggression abroad is divided into three components: encroachment on China, “southwardwardward” and “northwardward”. The order of attempting to achieve this strategy is “first China and the post-world,” first of all attacking and monopolizing China, implementing a “middle breakthrough” and then implementing “southward advancement” or “northward advancement” or “north-south advancement.” China’s war of resistance shattered Japan’s plan for “intermediate breakthroughs”, trapped the Japanese army’s main force, restrained the implementation of the “North Progress” plan of the Japanese troops, and delayed the pace of its “southward advancement.” Under the strategic situation of a world war that has been prolonged by the Sino-Japanese war and sharpened the contradictions between Japan and the United States and magnified the war of aggression in Japan, Japan finally took the risk and implemented the policy of “southward advancement.” After going from “favorable opportunities” to “limited southward advancement” and “South-North advance, South-first” and trilogy “from priority to south” to “specialization southward” embarked on the road to launching the Pacific War.
<正> 秋季是奶山羊的繁殖季节。这一时期的饲养管理主要包括如下三方面。 一、配种期的饲养和管理 (一)奶山羊的配种年龄和时间:奶山羊羔羊一般在4月龄左右达到性成熟,此时可
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