苏州位于江苏东南部,全市下辖12个县级市(区)、162个乡镇、21个街道、3346个行政村、974个居委会。总人口572.91万人,1995年全市农民人均纯收入3756元。伴随经济和其他各项社会事业的蓬勃发展,农村合作医疗也取得了长足进展。在新的形势下,为研究新情况、分析新特点、探讨新举措、促进工作再上新台阶,现就有关情况交流如下:1 现状 苏州农村合作医疗源于50年代初,举办于60年
Suzhou is located in the southeast of Jiangsu. The city has 12 county-level cities (districts), 162 townships, 21 sub-districts, 3346 administrative villages and 974 neighborhood committees. The total population is 5,729,100. In 1995, the per capita net income of farmers in the city was 3,760 yuan. With the vigorous development of the economy and other social undertakings, rural cooperative medical care has also made considerable progress. Under the new situation, in order to study new situations, analyze new features, explore new measures, and promote work to a new level, the current exchanges are as follows: 1 Current situation Rural cooperative medical care in Suzhou originated in the early 1950s and was held in 60 years.