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  克鲁格曼在自己的博客上发布了一篇题为《爱沙尼亚狂热症》(Estonian Rhapsody)的博文。他在文中说,虽然爱沙尼亚推行的财政紧缩政策受到全球称赞,但爱沙尼亚在2008至2009年间的GDP减幅是“大萧条程度的衰退”,如今经济仍未恢复到2008年世界经济危机之前的水平,他贴出了一张爱沙尼亚实际GDP增长图,配以如此旁白:“聊胜于无,这就算是经济胜利了?”
  Host A: And today’s last word in business is being set to music. Truth really is stranger than fiction, which is how a TV interview with President Richard Nixon could become a famous play, and how The New Yorker writer Lawrence Wright could create a forthcoming play on the 1)Camp David Accords. Now, an international Twitter war is becoming an opera.
  Host B: Last summer the New York Times columnist Paul Krugman criticized the economic austerity of Estonia.
  Host A: The Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves was furious.
  Host B: He went on Twitter to declare,“Let’s write about something we know nothing about and be 2)smug, 3)overbearing and 4)patronizing.” More presidential tweets followed—some laced with 5)profanity.
  Host A: Now a composer and a financial journalist have teamed up to produce an opera based on this exchange. The verbal fireworks can now be sung. Something like, you know, (Singing) You’re overbearing, patronizing, you know nothing.
  Host B: Well, it will only last 15 minutes though, when it premieres in Estonia this April.

Seeing and being seen is all part of the show, even before the real show gets underway. Fans and fellow designers can’t wait to see Frida Giannini’s new collection. Gucci’s 1)catwalk show is a highlig
Here’s a story about the latest video to go viral on the Internet, and it’s a 1)doozy. In it you first see an eagle lazily soaring the sky above the Canadian city of Montreal, then it swoops down and
诗人理查德·布兰科(Richard Blanco),受邀在美国总统奥巴马第二任期的就职典礼上朗诵他的诗歌《One Today》。1968年出生的理查德是历届美国总统就职典礼中获邀参加的最年轻的诗人嘉宾,同时也是首位获邀朗诵的拉美裔诗人。理查德深受奥巴马喜爱,奥巴马直夸他对诗歌和艺术领域的贡献,以及他对后世作家创作的影响。  When President John F. Kennedy was in
又到了我们的音乐时间,来放松放松~~男歌手女歌手,这期终于来了一个组合。名为Little Big Town的这个乡村音乐组合是由女主唱Karen Fairchild、女合音Kimberly Roads、男吉他手Jimi Westbrook和男鼓手Phillip Sweet组成,成立于1998年。这支老牌乡村组合可谓十年磨一剑,在出道十年后以单曲《Pontoon》首次登顶乡村榜冠军。发行于2012年
新闻背景  各国禁烟法  截至2006年10月,全世界已经有154个国家和地区颁布了公共场所禁止吸烟的规定。爱尔兰是世界上第一个立法规定工作场所禁烟的国家。加拿大和美国也通过省或者州级立法措施实现无烟化。新加坡环境局规定娱乐场所经营者看到有烟客违法或接获投诉时必须采取行动,对没有严格执行规定或及时劝阻的经营者也会进行罚款。在澳大利亚,禁烟令规定在公共场所不允许任何人抽烟,不准有烟灰缸、火柴、打火机
对于“故事”这个东西,我们是有执念的。  因为“故事”,我们会去追寻一种名叫“伊莎贝拉”的蝴蝶,会相信厕所女神的存在,会爱上一座永无岛……我们无时无刻不在汲取“故事”带给我们的希望与美好,就连睡前也不会放过我们的爸爸妈妈——“给我讲个故事吧?”这大概是我们一生中为数不多的不用大费周章养成的习惯之一吧。  “一生”是一个很丰富的词汇,里面包含了太多的东西,也包括“故事”。我们每个人都有故事,可并不是
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But it’s not all about drink. We need to think about the entertainment, too.  Hugh Dennis: Where do you stand on the pub game then?  Oz Clarke: I think it’s like, you know, do you like Devil Amongst t