今年是红军长征胜利五十周年。革命先辈当年的这一壮举,在中国的革命史上矗立了一座巍峨的丰碑。中国工农红军在极端恶劣的环境中,奋力转战,挫败了敌人几十万军队的围追堵截;坚毅顽强,战胜了大自然设置的种种艰难险阻,终于会师陕北,赢得了历史性的胜利。 红军长征胜利的因素是多方面的,但红军严格遵守革命纪律,特别是严守群众纪律,是红军长征能够克敌制胜的一个重要原因。这在国民党云南省政府的档案材料中也能得到真实的印证。
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Red Army. This magnificent feat of the revolutionary predecessors of that year stood a towering monument in the history of revolution in China. In an extremely harsh environment, the Chinese workers and peasants, the Red Army, fought fiercely and fought the siege of hundreds of thousands of enemy troops. They persevered tenaciously and overcame the difficulties and obstacles in setting nature and finally won the historic victory in northern Shaanxi. The factors that led to the victory of the Long March of the Red Army were many. However, strictly observing the revolutionary discipline of the Red Army, especially the strict discipline of the masses, is an important reason why the Red Army’s long march can defeat the enemy. This is true of the archives of the Kuomintang government of Yunnan Province.