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说得是南和县贾宋乡李胜文、李胜力哥俩为搞蔬菜大棚生产闹意见,最后却让一本《河北农业》给解了围的事。这个事并不复杂,要不是有了这本《河北农业》,说不定还许闹出大乱子呢?事情的起因是这样的:原来李胜文、李胜力哥俩在同一块地建了两个日光塑料大棚,原先合伙干的挺好,后来因为家庭琐事闹了意见。哥俩就分道扬镳各干各的了。哥哥李胜文爱看书学技术,手巧脑灵把个大棚黄瓜管得好好的;弟弟胜力不懂技术,只知道闷头干活。结果棚内种的黄瓜越长越不济,比他哥哥棚里的黄瓜低一头,差一 Put it South Jiaxian Jia Songxiang Li Shengwen, Li Shengli brothers to engage in the production of vegetable shed trouble see, and finally let a “Hebei Agriculture” to solve the Wai thing. This matter is not complicated, or not with this “Hebei agriculture”, maybe it may make a big trouble? The cause of this is this: the original Li Shengwen, Li Shengli two brothers in the same building two Nikko plastic Greenhouses, the original partnership is very good, and later because of family trouble downtown opinion. The two brothers go their separate ways My brother Li Shengwen loves to read a book to learn the technology, the cucumber is a cucumber in a greenhouse tube is well managed; my brother wins the power to understand the technology, only knows that to work. As a result, the longer and harder the cucumber grows, the lower one is than the cucumber in his brother’s shed
The microstructure and microhardness of Sn-3.5%Ag solders were explored in the cooling rate ranging from 0.08 to 104 K/s. Under rapid cooling condition, the str
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As an example of the La-Mg-Y system, the method how to set up the thermodynamic model of individual phases was introduced in the process of thermodynamic optimi