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随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,国内市场将逐步成为国际市场的一部分。市场经济的大潮冲击着我国成千上万个国有小型工业企业(以下简称小企业),特别是县属小企业受到的冲击最大。目前,经营困难,效益差,负债重,在市场经济条件下难以生存和发展,面临严峻考验。但是,小企业在县属工业中比重大,人员多,是县域经济的主角,对县域经济和农村经济的发展,起着积极的促进作用。同时,小企业在整个工业经济中起着拾遗补缺的作用,是大中企业生存的基础和原料供应站,是大中企业产品的消费者,它同大中企业是相互依存,互为补充的关系。本文就县属国有小企业的改革和发展问题作一些思考。 With the gradual establishment of China’s socialist market economic system, the domestic market will gradually become part of the international market. The tide of the market economy has impacted thousands of state-owned small-scale industrial enterprises in China (hereinafter referred to as “small enterprises”), especially the small-scale enterprises in the county. At present, business is difficult, the efficiency is poor, and the debt is heavy. It is difficult to survive and develop under the conditions of market economy and is facing a severe test. However, small-scale enterprises are more important in county-owned industries and have more personnel. They are the protagonists of the county economy, and they play a positive role in promoting the development of the county economy and the rural economy. At the same time, small businesses play a role in supplementing and supplementing the entire industrial economy. They are the basis for the survival of large and medium-sized enterprises, raw material supply stations, and consumers of large and medium-sized enterprise products. They are interdependent and complementary to large and medium-sized enterprises. relationship. This article makes some reflections on the reform and development of county-owned state-owned small enterprises.
以生产油脂类产品著称的英国克洛达国际公司推出二种新的酯类品Glycerox 767和 Glvcerox HE,它们是用于浴用制品的水溶性柔润剂和柔和添加剂,具有加脂增溶和表面活性功能,并
“八五”期间,上海梅山集团有限公司加强节能管理,依靠技术进步节约能源;吨铁综合能耗和吨铁可比能耗分别比“七五”期间下降37.9kg 标煤和29.56kg 标煤,节约标煤共31.9万 t
据德国 AVK(复合材料工业贸易协会)统计(根据1995年1—6月实际值推算):1995年德国增强塑料销售量为19.5万t,年增长7%,价值500万马克。最大市场是汽车,占30%,5.85万t,1995年
gdjdfgjdfgjdgjd1995年科隆国际家具展览会展品 Gdjdfgjdfgjdgjd Cologne International Furniture Fair 1995 exhibits
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作 者:叶 楠  出版社:厦门大学出版社  推荐人:南昌大学团委书记 郑 璐  推荐理由:  這是全国第一部由一名大学生支教志愿者独立撰写的长篇支教纪实,真实反映了叶楠同学在艰苦的环境中开展西部支教实践的心路历程。如实细腻地描述了大学生志愿者用爱心浇灌求知的土地、用责任培育待放的花朵、用行动表达奉献的意愿、用青春实践生命的意义。  推荐这本书,希望各位青年朋友能够从中有所思、有所想、有所悟,心系祖