石901玉米品种由新疆农垦科学院选育而成,1997年自治区农作物品种审定委员会审定。该品种抗逆性强,适应性广,丰产稳产,近几年已成为喀什地区的主要推广品种之一。我们1999年开始复播制种,现已掌握了整套制种技术。 一、选地整地 1、选地。制种田要选择土质肥沃,土
Stone 901 maize varieties bred by the Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the 1997 Autonomous Region Crop Variety Approval Committee validation. The varieties of strong resistance, wide adaptability, high and stable yield, in recent years has become one of Kashgar major promotion varieties. We started to replant seed production in 1999 and now have a complete set of seed production techniques. First, the election site preparation 1, the election. Farming to choose a fertile soil, soil