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辽宁省阜新县委书记韩景瑞自1992年担任本职以来,切实肩负起党管武装工作的重任,使该县人武部全面建设连年迈上新台阶。 走活兴武这盘棋 过去,阜新县民兵预备役各项工作与先进不沾边,一直在低谷中徘徊。韩景瑞担任县委书记兼人武部党委第一书记后,下决心要把武装工作和经济工作一样抓上去。为了掌握全县武装工作的基本情况,他上任不到一个月时间,就和县人武部领导一起走遍了全县36个乡镇武装部,通过调查研究,掌握了第一手材料,使 Han Jingrui, party secretary of Fuxin County Committee of Liaoning Province, since assuming his own job in 1992, has since taken the heavy responsibility of administering the armed forces so that the comprehensive construction of the armed forces in the county will reach a new level in recent years. Lively Xingwu This chess past, the Fuxin County militia reserve work with advanced non-detached edge, has been hovering in the trough. After serving as county party secretary and first secretary of the armed forces and party committees, Han Jingrui resolved to take armed and economic work as hard as possible. In order to grasp the basic situation of armed work throughout the county, he took office less than a month’s time, he went along with the county armed forces leaders traveled the armed forces in 36 townships throughout the county through research, master the first-hand materials,
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