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毒品危害,人所共知。6月26日是国际禁毒日,我们特别刊登来自义乌国际商贸学校禁毒征文中的一篇佳作。抵制毒品,需要全民一起努力。谓毒品者,百害而无一利也,其骇人听闻,不啻厉鬼。魔爪延伸,遍及之处生灵遭祸。鸦片者,大麻者,海洛因者……孽类颇多。谈其之害,令人发指。而今有嗜取者,遇货不避,图利谋私,奸猾狡诈,披毒品以丽装,赋其以美称,噱其良效如丹。于巷口街尾处,于欢娱之所中,于乡村郊野旁,败德辱行,悖天人之道,蔑 Drug hazards, it is well known. June 26 is the International Day against Drug Abuse, and we publish a special masterpiece in anti-drug essay from Yiwu International Business School. To boycott drugs, all people need to work together. Who said the drug, Hundreds of harm without benefit, its shocking, not spirits. Devil claws extend, throughout the soul of evil. Opium, cannabis, heroin ... ... a lot of evil. Talking about its harm, it is fickle. Now there are addicts, not to meet the case, plot to seek personal gain, cunning deceitful cunning, drugged to the United States Lai equipment, endowed with the United States, the gimmick good effect as Dan. In the alley at the end of the street, in the joy of the place, in the country side of the countryside, defeat the deeds, contrary to the human way, contempt
本文设计了两种新型凸轮滑杆式间隙横封机构,同时采用微机控制,给出硬件、软件程序框图。    In this paper, two new types of cam sliding bar gap transverse sealing me
为探讨山茱萸(Cormus officinalis Sieb.et Zucc.)果核的药用价值,我们将其水溶性成分与果肉做了对照研究。一、果肉与果核水溶性成分的薄层层析山茱萸果肉与果核(85年,西峡
绿绒蒿属(Meconopsis cong)植物属罂粟科(Papaveraceae)罂粟亚科罂粟族,分布于北温带。全世界约49种,除一种产于西欧(称西欧或威尔士绿绒蒿M.cambrica),两种产于北美外,其余
自菊科植物毛梗豨莶Siegesbeckia glabrescens Mak的全草中分得一个新的二萜甙,命名为豨莶新甙(neodarutoside),经光谱(IR,~1 HNMR,~(13) CNMR和MS)分析,确定结构为(I);同时
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市售锦灯笼为茄科(Solanaceae)酸浆属植物酸浆(Physalis francheti Var.bunyard-ii Makino)的干燥宿萼。为常用的清热解毒中药,历代本草中多有记述,明李时珍《本草纲目》中