为了解山东省儿童生长发育状况与膳食模式,掌握儿童生长发育的规律及影响城乡儿童生长发育差别的因素,研究可行的改善措施及指导喂养方式,1995~1996年抽取城乡儿童4874人进行了调查。1 资料与方法11 资料及调查方法 使用1995~1996年山东省营养调查资料。该调查用分层多级
In order to understand the growth and dietary patterns of children in Shandong Province, to grasp the laws of children’s growth and development and the factors that affect the growth and development of children in urban and rural areas, to study feasible measures for improvement and to guide the feeding methods, 4874 urban and rural children were surveyed from 1995 to 1996 . 1 Materials and Methods 11 data and survey methods using 1995-1996 Shandong Province Nutrition Survey data. The survey is hierarchical and multilevel