The production process of biochemical pharmaceuticals is relatively complicated. A drug usually needs to go through several shifts (processes), and step-by-step input of raw and auxiliary materials in the production process, and finally become a finished product. As there are many varieties of raw and auxiliary materials used in various processes, and one raw and auxiliary material is used in several products, the temperature and humidity have a great influence on the yield of the products and the consumption of auxiliary materials during the production process. The amount is difficult to fix, the types of raw and auxiliary materials for the balance of the team are more, and the procedure for returning materials at the end of the month is cumbersome. Therefore, product costing is more complicated. In order to make material consumption cost accounting simple and accurate, we use the method of inventory depreciation of the monthly subgroups, that is, according to the steps of product production, a team, a team, and the cost of raw and auxiliary materials and packaging materials are calculated, and the previous team Semi-finished product costs as the next team