Predictive Model for Corrosion Rate of Oil Tubes in CO_2/H_2S Coexistent Environment Part Ⅰ: Buil

来源 :Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lucy
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Based on an analysis of the existing models of CO 2 corrosion in literatures and the autoclave simulative experiments, a predictive model of corrosion rate (r corr) in CO 2/H 2S corrosion for oil tubes has been established, in which r corr is expressed as a function of pH, temperature (T), pressure of CO 2 (P CO 2) and pressure of H 2S (P H 2S). The model has been verified by experimental data obtained on N80 steel. The improved features of the predictive model include the following aspects: (1) The influence of temperature on the protectiveness of corrosion film is taken into consideration for establishment of predictive model of the r corr in CO 2/H 2S corrosion. The Equations of scale temperature and scale factor are put forward, and they fit the experimental result very well. (2) The linear relationship still exists between ln r corr and ln P CO 2 in CO 2/H 2S corrosion (as same as that in CO 2 corrosion). Therefore, a correction factor as a function of P H 2S has been introduced into the predictive model in CO 2/H 2S corrosion. (3) The model is compatible with the main existing models. Based on an analysis of the existing models of CO 2 corrosion in literatures and the autoclave simulative experiments, a predictive model of corrosion rate (r corr) in CO 2 / H 2S corrosion for oil tubes has been established, in which r corr is expressed as a function of pH, temperature (T), pressure of CO 2 (P CO 2) and pressure of H 2S (PH 2S). The model has been verified by experimental data obtained on N80 steel. The improved features of the predictive model include the following aspects: (1) The influence of temperature on the protectiveness of corrosion film is taken into consideration for establishment for predictive model of the r corr in CO 2 / H 2S corrosion. The Equations of scale temperature and scale factor are put forward , and they fit the experimental result very well. (2) The linear relationship still exists between ln r corr and ln P CO 2 in CO 2 / H 2S corrosion (as same as that that CO 2 corrosion). as a funct ion of P H 2S has been introduced into the predictive model in CO 2 / H 2S corrosion. (3) The model is compatible with the main existing models.
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