以先玉335的亲本及2个美系材料和自选系为试验材料,组配16个杂交组合,在保苗61 530株/hm2的条件下进行产量比较,同时分析子粒水分、穗轴重、出籽率等相关数据,进行简单相关和遗传分析。结果表明,杂交种穗轴重与出籽率呈极显著负相关;出籽率与双亲平均穗轴重、父本穗轴重呈极显著负相关,与双亲平均出籽率、父本出籽率呈极显著正相关;百粒重与产量呈显著正相关,与子粒水分呈显著负相关,与父本百粒重呈显著正相关;产量与父本百粒重呈极显著正相关,与双亲平均百粒重呈显著正相关。穗轴重、百粒重遗传累加效应极显著,超高亲效应明显;出籽率以遗传累加效应为主,存在超亲效应。组配新组合途径可以直接利用PH6WC及Reid系统的美系材料与自选系组配,从而获得高出籽率的品种。
Taking the parents of Xian-yu 335 and two American-made materials and self-selection lines as test materials, 16 hybrid combinations were set up and the yield was compared under 61 530 plants / hm2 seedlings. At the same time, the grain moisture, Seed rate and other related data, simple correlation and genetic analysis. The results showed that there was a significant negative correlation between the heading weight and the seed yield of hybrids. There was a significant negative correlation between the seed yield and the average cob weight of the parents and the weight of the male parent. The average seedling emergence rate, There was a significant positive correlation between the 100-kernel weight and grain yield. There was a significant positive correlation between the 100-grain weight and grain yield and the grain moisture. There was a significant positive correlation between the 100-grain weight and the grain weight. There was a significant positive correlation between parents’ average 100-grain weight. The weight of panicle and the effect of 100-grain weight were extremely significant, and the effect of super-high progeny was obvious. The rate of seed-yield was dominated by genetic additive effect, which had super-progeny effect. Combination of the new combination of pathways can be directly used PH6WC and Reid system of the United States Department of Materials and the optional line combination, so as to obtain a higher seed rate varieties.